Never let go of your Dreams!

More than half of the things we write is the reflection of our own insecurities,
thoughts and more importantly the result of our continuous strive for peace
and freedom. Exactly like what I am doing right now! Most of the times we are
so stuck in our daily mundane routine that we get lost. We lose ourselves.
We get crippled with the sense of social responsibilities and our own expectations.
The result is that we keep on doing things which we probably don't like.
Because we need to pay our bills, we need to survive. We don't take risks and
before we know we reach the fag end of our life. We die before we live.
The world gives opportunity to only those who strive for it. God gives happiness
to those who live their dreams, who not only count their stars but also bring them home.
Don't stop believing and never let go of your dreams!


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