Are you Guilty?

There I was, just standing there, where what I wanted to do was forbidden, thinking if the next move will change my destiny. I was confused, I wanted to run but something deep within was holding me tight. I stood there for five minutes, staring and wondering if I should make the first move but could not muster the courage and was spellbound admiring the beauty. As the clock ticked, I heard a beautiful voice, for a second it felt like music was running through my vein. It was her; she had made the first move which turned into 25 years of marriage, togetherness and friendship.

That night we clicked like a firehouse and then started to meet each other every weekend. The day was not complete without a dose of Michelle over phone; we would talk with each other for hours. Very quickly in a matter of month, we were seeing each other.  Both of us liked drinking and I don’t remember a night together when I was sober. The days with Michelle felt like a dream, the only one who came close to her was Joana, with whom I had shared an irresistible bond.

It was seven months since the first night I met Michelle. Like always we were supposed to meet on Sunday in our favorite hangout place, Cheers but I cancelled the plan. Joana was in town, of course I had not told Michelle about it. I met Joana in the terminal bar and grill and I was sober for a change. As the conversation grew, I figured out that I was still attracted to her. I was confused. In few more minutes, we were holding each other tight and making love in public. Sometimes there are two sides of a personality, like your writing is not the same when you use your left hand and right hand. That Sunday was one of those days when the real me was taken over by lust of a beautiful woman, an old flame. We went our separate ways as we stepped out of the Terminal Bar and grill, deciding not to meet again. I asked myself, “Are you guilty?” and the instant answer was yes. I was scared; I thought I will not be able to explain Michelle ever so I decided not to talk about it. But as soon as I saw her, my heart melted and I ran towards her to apologize, but before I could, she did. She had slept with another man on the same Sunday. As she walked away, I asked myself the same question, “Are you guilty?” and the whole body shouted No.


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