When i close my eyes

-When I close my eyes-
I see darkness around, desperate for the silver lines-
I open my eyes again, only to realize the same twinge.

-When I close my eyes-
I also see hope, hope of love and togetherness,
Only to realize it’s be wilderness.
Thoughts rejuvenate,
And then gets stuck between old times.

-When I close my eyes-
I sometimes feel like a warrior,
Getting ready for a new challenge,
Brushing aside my old scar,
Fighting a lone battle for a new start.

-But then you come back,
With the same old enigma
You whisper in my ears and then stare,
only to rekindle the same wish and the same prayer.


Acetic Pill said…
Namzy, Now i know why you like sleeping. Coz all these imaginary brilliant thoughts rejuvenate you.

Good one!Keep them coming.
Namit said…
see thats why sleep is always productive!
Akhil Doiphode said…
no doubt.. u used to close your eyes for 14 out of 24 hrs.. and that also for 1 full year... wow :)
hey good one buddy.. nice 2 c something from u after long time :) keep sleeping :) coz thats where all the beautiful thoughts come from :)
Unknown said…
"WHILE U WERE SLEEPING"...i didn't know u were chrning out so much thoughts...
Keep it up
Unknown said…
i donno hw this man does it again n again!! Another exceptional piece of writing!! This is nt just a poem but feelings which cant be put any better in words!! Cheers buddy.. U ROCK!! :)
Namit said…
@Akhil:Thanks!14 out of 24 hrs is a lil exaggeration ;)
@Abhishek: Thanks dude!
@Sanket: Thanks bud..u rock too! :)
Siddarth said…
Nice one Namit.Could visualise the imagery.
Maria said…
The change worked, fever inspired ;-p
Namit said…
Thanks Sid..and who is this maria,Naazish? :P
Malvika said…
Hey, nice, specially the lines..like a warrior, getting ready for a new challenge, lotta ppl work on auto pilot, i wish i cud do the same..that atleast ensures consistency...and yes i need dreams to keep me going..i guess in ur case sleep works just the same!!

and i love this line even more..Fighting a lone battle for a new start

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