The last stop

Sometimes I won, sometimes I lost,

Sometimes I cried, sometimes I laughed,

And sometimes I looked back,

Thinking, if this was the last stop?

Down the streets I saw you,

Post the conversation, deep in your eyes,

I saw in you my reflection,

Thinking again, if this was the last stop?

Wiping the old memories, I stood up again,

With the same curiosity, I looked up again,

Vowing for a new lyrics,

And clinching for a new color to some old thoughts!

The journey stripped off some old notions,

Teaching every stop in life has a new meaning,

And every stop envisions a new destination,

Enlightening nothing can be engraved as the last stop.


Acetic Pill said…
Sometimes i wonder,Sometimes i see,
My thoughts painted in the breeze.
That's when i look around,
and scream out aloud... Freeeeeze!

I like what i see, i like what i read.
I stop by and say, good going Namzyy!:)
Anonymous said…
Good one.. It shouldn't ever be the last stop. That would only mean the end of living. One finds the house from where you move to each journey and return, however one hope's it isn't the destination :)
Malvika said…
beautiful thought and in curious case of benj. can understand life if you run it backwards but one can live it only going forward..n yes i guess thats cz its never the last stop...

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