

A child is born and so are the endless Expectations. The first day a child is born, one can hear the murmur of the people surrounding him of whether he is as beautiful as his parents. The Nurse would not deny herself a chance to say that “Aapka beta Engineer ya Doctor banega”(Your child would become an Engineer Or a Doctor ). We know and assume that an infant doesn’t understand whatever is being said, but what if he could grasp what is being said!!!. Nothing can be as scary for a child as this in the whole world. Whether we accept it or not this is the way almost all the families welcome their new born.
The Confusion or I might say the disaster is born here. The Child grows and so does the different aspirations of him. The first time he watches a movie, he would want to become a Hero(An Actor). The next time if he watches a cricket match he would want to become a Cricketer and so on…The list is countless till the time decision making becomes a must!
So do most of us make the right decision or our decision are inspired by the most recent sentiments and happenings. The answer is not easy as each individual has a different thought process and their own reasoning to prove that their decision was rational and visionary at that point of time! . The easiest way to prove this state of “Confusion” would be to ask a class tenth student what he wants to do in his life and then ask him after thirty years where he has eventually landed?!. I am sure the answer would differ by a huge margin if not the stretch is between north and south pole.


Gokul said…
A topic which everyone refuse to acknowledge, too scared to speak about, but one which everyone identifies with. Namit has lent his fingers and thoughts to type in the those exact words which people are waiting to scream out.

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