
Showing posts from June, 2012

Rise Up

When the world is against you, When passion gets mundane, When days seem longer, When the goal post turns bleak, Rise up and fight with your soul, Till it catches fire and burns for more.   When distance is pulling you apart, When there is no trust and respect, When there are long lull of silence, When there is no yearning, Rise up and wander more, Till you start believing again. When heart and mind pulls you in different direction, When needs trounce guilt, When emotion lies and strays, When strength gives up on values, Rise up and live a new life again Forgetting the past, vowing for a new future.


You were the temple, the fragrance, the fire The Ocean, the shore, the desire You were the flowers, the rainbow, the silent prayer The life, the hope and the tears You were the moments and the moments were you   You were success and you were failure Rise up from the phoenix and Add the same old colour to the rainbow Let me fight with the clouds and reach you Let me be in the garden made in the heavens    Where you are, where we were.