
Showing posts from September, 2011


Happiness Happiness was there in your eyes, Happiness was there in my eyes, When the world was still, Between your eyes and my eyes. Happiness was there in your eyes, Happiness was there in my eyes, When you were the one, Amongst the thousands I could not see. Happiness was lost in your eyes, Happiness was lost in my eyes, When there was angst and anguish, Between your desire and my dreams. Happiness was back in your eyes, Happiness was back in my eyes, When I chased my dreams, And when you swayed back to your desire. Happiness was also when you saw me first, Happiness was also when I saw you last, Making us realize that Happiness can stay, Even when Happiness breaks!

Harry finds a Girl!

Dangling between beauty and brains, Harry looked out for a perfect combination, Only If it ever exists, Although Beauty was difficult to resist. Looking at the mirror, Silently ignoring and refusing to stare, What is with you?others dared, “Shut up” Harry said, I am a player! Days passed by and Harry was still in the air, Searching for the true meaning, Harry ended up with all kinds of slayer! What next? Harry was at the rear. Rising from the deep slumber, Harry looked out with a new flair, Without pondering too much, Harry sang a new prayer. Instead of looking at others, Harry looked within himelf in despair, Only to realize one needs to dig deep first, If you want to find someone who is rare!


Burned with the desire of unknown, Shouting the lines of destruction, Blown away with the flashes of brilliance, Searching for the real side of truce. Rising from the ashes, Knowing the real self, Flying and humming with fire, Standing again with the imprints of desire. Hovering over the sounds of heart and mind, Rising and falling over the mountain of dreams, Riding on the songs of revival, Striking away a lone battle of survival.